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Showing posts from September, 2017

ये है भारत की सबसे डरावनी जगहें.. जहाँ सुनाई देती है अजीब सी आवाजें..!!

भूतों का होना या ना होना हमेशा से एक सवाल रहा है. यह सच है कि हमने उनके अस्तित्‍व को हमेशा नकारा है, लेकिन ऐसे भी कई लोग हैं जिन्‍होंने इस डर का अनुभव किया है. फिल्‍मों की बात छोड़ दें तो असल जीवन में भी ऐसी कई जगहें हैं जहां भूत-प्रेत के होने को लेकर बात होती रही है. आज जानते है भारत की इन्ही भुतहा जगहों के बारे में.. Knowledge Four You शनिवार वाड़ा शनिवरवदा फोर्ट, पुणे इस फोर्ट में एक 13 साल के राजकुमार को क्रूरता से मारे जाने की कहानी खूब प्रचलित है. कहा जाता है कि देर रात और खासकर पूर्णिमा की रात को यहां उस छोटे राजकुमार की सिसकियां और आवाज सुनाई देती है. भारत की राजधानी दिल्ली में Delhi-Contonment नाम की ऐसे जगह है, जहां रात में लोगों को एक औरत दिखाई देती है. यह और उनका तब तक पीछा करती है जब तक कि आप उस पूरे एरिया को पार नहीं कर जाते. और हां आप गाड़ी की गति बढ़ा भी लेंगे तो यह Haunted Woman आपका पीछा नहीं छोड़ेगी. मुंबई में एक चॉल है, जिसका नाम है डी सूजा चॉल. इस चॉल के पास एक कुआँ है, जहां पानी भरने के दौरान एक औरत की डूबने से मौत हो गई थी. यह ...

People Had Warned About The Stampede Since 2014 But Went Ignored. These Tweets Are A Proof

Knowledge Four You Knowledge Four You Yesterday’s tragedy at Elphinstone road has broken our heart. This disaster was expected and many people had already cautioned the authorities about the same. The moment they realized the risk, they tweeted to railway officials to take care of the issue. Had the officials taken those warnings seriously, we wouldn’t have seen such a horrifying day. All the concerned departments were tagged but still, the warnings were ignored. Shouldn’t they have addressed the problem that these citizens were facing? 22 people were killed and 30 of them were injured and it could have seriously been avoided, if there no negligence. Rather than being shocked, Mumbaikars were angry because their constant reminders to authorities were smoothly ignored. Right from 2013, some people had started giving alerts, but unfortunately, all in vain. If you are thinking, we are randomly telling you things, then you are wrong. Knowledge Four You

Judwaa 2 Broke Not 1 Or 2 But 4 Records On 1st Day. Beat SRK & Akshay Too

Judwaa 2 is being appreciated by one and all. Varun Dhawan along with other co-stars have shown a stupendous performance and this is the reason why the movie is being well received. Varun Dhawan has the capability of defeating the Khans and he’s rightly got the tag of “Hit machine” He has given 8 back to back hits and 0 flops; Judwaa 2 is on its way to become the 9th one. On the opening day itself, the film has minted a whopping 16.10 crores. Currently, Bollywood movies aren’t being able to earn that big, but luckily, Judwaa 2 has changed the trend. It’s very rare for films to break big records these days; however, Judwaa 2 has made it possible to break not one or 2 but 4 records on the first day. Check out the list; 1. Judwaa 2 has become the 4th highest grosser of 2017! Yes, it couldn’t surpass Raees, Bahubali & Tubelight in terms of first day collections. Hence, it has become the 4th highest grosser of this year. 2. Varun Dhawan got his highest opener! E...

4 Indian Cities Among Top 10 Cheapest Cities! Here’s List Of Most Expensive & Cheapest Cities In World

In a recent report released by the Economist Intelligence Union (EIU), four Indian cities have been able to find a place in the list of ten cheapest countries to live in across the globe. The EIU released two lists to rank the most expensive countries as well as the cheapest countries in the world. The list was prepared after comparing over 400 individual prices including across 160 products and services including food, drink, clothing, household supplies and personal care items among others. The three key factors that affected a country’s ranking, according to Simon Baptist, regional director for Asia at the EIU, are the exchange rate, government policies and commodity prices. Both the lists were dominated by Asian cities with half of the 10 most expensive cities being Asian. While Singapore stood out to be the most expensive city for the fourth consecutive year, Almaty in Kazakhstan was ranked the cheapest city in the world. Here is the complete list of the 10 cheapest cit...

9 Misconceptions People Have About Vegetarians And Veg Food

“OMG! You are a Vegan! How are you even alive?” You are so modern, yet you don’t eat non-veg? How do you go on a booze party with friends? These are the common questions which a vegan is always asked. Non-vegans are always curious to know what their diet includes which keeps them so healthy? Most of the questions asked are mainly myths which over the course of time have been turned into facts which are not true at all. Being a non-vegetarian or a vegetarian is a personal choice. 1. For best performance you need meat Handsome men working out on the cable machine in the gym Be it in the gym, sporting activity, daily chores, etc. It is widely believed by people that only meat can fill your body with hundred percent energy. Many vegetarians use plant fuels like vegetables, beans, fruits, grains, legumes, seeds and nut to energize themselves. 2. Vegetarian people are sleek and slim If you eat a balanced diet, then you are likely to stay fit and healthy. Did y...

Meet top 10 fashionable mothers of bollywood actresses!

There is no reason why we should not honour mothers. They work hard, take care of their kids and when it comes to Bollywood stars, they manage to look good every time. The tinsel town not only has some amazing talent, but also many successful mother-daughter  jodis.  It is time to take a look at some of the most happening mothers of Bollywood actress. They look fashionable as ever as they go about with their mommy duties. Take a look at 10 fashionable mothers of bollywood actresses! 1. Bipasha Basu’s mother Mamta Basu Bipasha Basu’s mother is Mamta Basu, a homemaker. It is obvious to see Bipasha’s love for her parents in the various pictures she shares with her fans. Bipasha’s beautiful mom even made a debut on the ramp thanks to her proud daughter, Bipasha. Now we know from where Bipasha Basu gets her good looks. 2. Riya Sen’s mother Moon Moon Sen Moon Moon Sen, the gorgeous Bengali beauty and daughter of the famous Bengali actress Suchitra Sen is h...

Famous People Who Succeeded Without a Degree विश्व के सबसे सफल लोग जिनके पास कोई डिग्री नहीं है

Successful Entrepreneurs  बिल गेट्स –  Bill Gates (Founder of Microsoft) दुनिया के सबसे अमीर व्यक्तियों में शुमार बिल गेट्स माइक्रोसॉफ्ट कम्पनी के सह संस्थापक है। इन्होने “माइक्रोसॉफ्ट” बनाने के लिए हार्वर्ड यूनिवर्सिटी की पढाई बीच में छोड़ दी थी। बिल गेट्स को बचपन से ही कम्प्यूटर प्रोग्रामिंग का शौक था और सिर्फ 13 वर्ष की आयु में उन्होंने बड़े-बड़े सॉफ्टवेयर बनाने शुरू कर दिए थे। 1975 में बिल गेट्स ने अपनी पढाई बीच में छोड़ कर, अपने मित्र पॉल एलन के साथ माइक्रोसॉफ्ट को आगे बढ़ाने में जुट गए और कुछ ही वर्षों बाद  उनका नाम अरबपतियों की फ़ोर्ब्स की सूचि में आ गया और कई साल तक वह, इस लिस्ट में नम्बर वन पर भी बने रहे | आज बिल गेट्स दुनिया के सबसे अमीर लोगों में शुमार हैं। स्टीव जॉब्स –  Steve Jobs (Founder of Apple) आज शायद ही कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति होगा, जो स्टीव जॉब्स के नाम से परिचित न हो। इन्होंने भी अपनी कॉलेज की पढाई बीच में ही छोड़ दी थी और 1975 में “एप्पल” कम्पनी की स्थापना की। स्टीव जॉब्स ने रीड कॉलेज की मात्र, एक सेमेस्टर की ही पढ़ाई की थी| लेकिन अपनी ...


Love is complicated. While there are some who are willing to overcome all the hurdles in their way, there are some who do not find a happily ever after for themselves. But there are also some who fight against all odds and leave behind everything to be with the one they love. Such is the story of Ms Angeline Francis Khoo, daughter of one of the richest men in Malaysia, Khoo Kay Peng. Ms Angeline Francis Khoo. A 34-year-old daughter of Malaysian tycoon has decided to marry the man of her choice going against her father and leaving behind her father's million dollar inheritance.  "I believed dad's stance was wrong, so there was no question about what was right,"  said  Ms Khoo in an interview. She even revealed that she currently isn't in talking terms with her father who is a 78-year-old businessman and the owner of Malayan United Industries. The company has substantial stakes in lifestyle brand Laura Ashley UK and the Corus group of luxury hotels...